Donation for non-profit organizations in Venezuela

Donation for NGO Is my contribution deductible from my taxes?


if you can get proof of payment from anywhere in the world


Therefore you decide the size of the donation.

Actually the economic situation of our country Venezuela is increasingly critical, that is why we have created this platform to help Venezuela NGOs in their fundraising.

Donation for NGOs

Make a donation to NGO

Despite their difficult situation, they can continue to work for those most in need.

As a consequence of the economic crisis that our country is going through, the objective is to attract online donations, and turn it into an effective communication channel with potential donors, and NGOs.

With those people who are aware of our cause and especially with potential. partners as well as increase collaborators to help them continue with their social work, especially humanitarian.



In the same way, there are many ways to join this solid team that is the Foundation You choose yours, and it begins to be part of the tasks of producing real changes in the living conditions of those who live at risk and vulnerability.

Do you have things that you no longer use in good condition, donate them? However, your financial donation is also essential for thousands of people.

For your convenience we offer you different options so that you can easily make your gesture of solidarity, the task of the Foundation would be impossible to carry out without the support of hundreds of volunteers who offer their time and donations to help people in need and guaranteed. Their feeding. , Clothes and shoes


With your donation you are already part of the change

In the first place our main objectives: It is to improve the quality of life of needy people who live on the streets as well as in precarious homes, giving priority to the elderly, mothers and children; In addition, also build a house or dining rooms for young people, the elderly; and children in need, thereby also providing them with moral formation and spiritual guidance.


Who we are at the Ama Tu Prójimo Foundation

Foundation Who we are The Foundation was born by initiativ from a group of people, dedicated volunteers for more than 50

years at the service of others, together with other non-profit civil organizations organizations, so all activities are marked by the

deepest personal disinterest, since the vast majority of their members bring their own money to carry them out:

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