Online tools to manage your projects and boost your NGO

Online tools for NGOs

The members of an NGO who participate in project management have no time to waste and it is important that each team leader is clear about the objectives and the actions to be carried out. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of role changes and make sure work is completed correctly.

To our advantage, there are some simple and easy-to-use project management tools that can help you organize and prioritize tasks. I’ve prepared a comparison and analyzed each one so you can decide which one is right for your nonprofit.

Google Workspace

Online tools for NGOs

Simple yet powerful, G Suite is a great tool for managing projects. With Gmail, you can create Google email address to facilitate internal communication. Allow meetings, events and dates using Google Calendar. G Suite is also great at giving you and others in your organization tips and steps to take. Google Hangouts is a simple and easy video comparison tool.

Google Drive is the place to create, store and share documents and presentations. To access the rest of the team from your computer. You can create slides, expansions, and documents that you can edit in real time.


Es una herramienta gratuita que te permite organizar tus tareas y proyectos de forma colaborativa. Además, puedes añadir una fecha de caducidad, un responsable, archivos adjuntos o comentarios.

Trello funciona muy bien para la gestión de proyectos de ONG porque es visual. Otra de las ventajas de Trello es que permite la integración con otras herramientas como Slack o Google Calendar.

Based on the Kanban method for project management, with cards that go through different states: as well as a list of tasks (pending), a list of tasks (in progress) or a list of things to do (completed)

Online tools for NGOs

This is a project management tool for teams or individuals who want a single online workspace. The three main functions of Notion are:

  • Wikis: Create a shared knowledge base with the rest of your nonprofit team.
  • Documents: Run documents and work fully collaboratively.
  • Rates: design of graphics, processes or rate lists.

Notion will incorporate all the flexibility your NGO may need, but it won’t provide an initial layout to help you organize tasks and paperwork.


Online tools for NGOs

Slack is one of the most essential tools in NGO teams, because it solves two of the most common problems in organizations: lack of communication.

No Slack, your NGO can chat on different channels, all messages, tools and files are concentrated here, saving time and fostering collaboration within the team. Channels can be categorized by commission, project, grant, or based on the needs of your organization.

The members of your NGO can enter our channels and leave them whenever they want; Not like those cotas de malha sem fim. Topics allow you to have side conversations so no main topic or project gets in the way.

Além disso, no Slack you can find your tools and services no local where your NGO communicates. As the information is no longer isolated in an input box and flows freely through the channels shared by the organization.

Therefore, as an NGO that uses Slack or knows at all times what is happening within the organization and, if you want to send a message, you can send it directly to a person without intermediaries or waste of time.

Online tools for NGOs