Mama Chia Foundation

Become a volunteer and help us to have a greater reach when it comes to working with those most in need

💕 Love. 💕 Faith.  💕 Solidarity.
💕 Compassion. 💕 Integrity.
💕 Justice.

✨ vision ✨

It manages to form a network of volunteers, godfathers and godmothers in support of children, adults, the elderly and hospitalized patients who require help with medications, or special studies, also food and other solidarity actions.


To be an instrument of love and bring hope of life, health and well-being to our less fortunate brothers. toasting Providing care to children, adults and the elderly who are in a vulnerable situation.

Activities organized by the @fundacionmamachia team

* Health days

We deliver our grain of love to achieve the necessary supplies for the surgical intervention. With your contribution we can bring hope, well-being, life and health to our less fortunate brothers. We are needing your help to multiply the actions of love and respond to the multiple calls for help that we receive daily through our networks.

* Solidarity arepazo

Hoy queremos invitarte a participar con un pequeño aporte de tu parte, podremos continuar con nuestras jornadas de Arepazo Solidario en apoyo al personal de salud, pacientes hospitalizados y personas en situación de vulnerabilidad. Tu aporte es muy importante para que podamos continuar con nuestra labor de amor.

*Sopa nutritiva en area pediátrica de hospitales

We currently have 2 Community Kitchens in the Ciudad Guayana area that serve the most vulnerable people, some of them in the pediatric area of hospitals, many of which have very low resources.

With your donation you help us to have a greater reach

Personal satisfaction:

If you feel the need to help and you don’t have time to collaborate personally, this is a good alternative to do your bit. Or it can also be one of the first steps you take and lead towards your own project. The important thing is to be aware and consistent: help as much as you can and where it costs you.

We continue to advance in the construction of this beautiful project

For Donations *

Account number

Mama Chia Foundation

Mama Chia Foundation

Presidente: Silmar Rodríguez González
Vice presidente: Shibys Saracual Rodríguez
Secretaria: Thaibys Saracual Rodríguez
Tesorero: Ana Silvia Chirinos
Director: Pedro Rodríguez González

City  Guayana

RIF: J-502323457 telephone 0414-8756611 and 0424-9319720

Website built and provided free of charge by the ama tuprójimo foundation